How Datamine works

  1. User Input: When you enter a URL into Datamine, the application starts by fetching the Terms of Service (ToS) and Privacy Policy links associated with that URL.
  2. Fetching Content: For each identified ToS and Privacy Policy URL, the application retrieves the textual content of those pages.
  3. Analysis:
  4. Displaying Results: The analysis results are then sent back to the application and displayed to you. You'll see details about the license and whether the company in question uses data as a competitive moat.
  5. Transparent and Informed: All the processes, from fetching the content to analyzing it, are automated and rely on predefined logic and external cloud functions. This ensures a consistent and transparent analysis for every URL you submit.
  • 🏗️ In Progress: We plan to move the model to larger context to avoid chunking and create a database tracking updates.
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